CARNOSUS - Wormtales CD


Heavier and darker, slithering its way from Sweden, comes Wormtales, a prequel to the critically acclaimed 2023 album, Visions of Infinihility. Wormtales contains some of the band's most impressive riffs thus far and once again lures the listener into the realm of infinihility.

1 x ADORIOR - Bleed on my Teeth DIGISLEEVE1 x DAENAM - La Trascendencia del Ser CD1 x MEFITIS - The Skorian/The Greyleer CD1 x DISROTTER - Restless Death MCD1 x PYRRHON - Exhaust DIGIPAK1 x CEREBRAL EXTINCTION - Necro Parasite Anomaly CD1 x BEYOND MORTAL DREAMS
Abomination T-Shirt L
1 x DORMANT ORDEAL - The Grand Scheme Of Things DIGIPAK1 x DEATH LIKE MASS - The Lord Of Flies DIGIPAK1 x DAETH DAEMON - Span Of Aeons 2CD DIGIPAK1 x TUSENARSEKEN - Omhuldra CD1 x DISLOYAL - Divine Miasmata DIGIPAK1 x MITOCHONDRION - Vitriseptome Double-CD1 x IMPALER OF PEST - Quantum Collapse CD1 x COSMIC PUTREFACTION - Emerald Fires Atop... DIGIPAK1 x MAYHEMIC - Toba CD1 x CARNOSUS - Wormtales CD1 x INVOCATION - The Archaic Sanctuary CD1 x BELARUS BEAVER - Symphony of Fallen Trees CD1 x KAAL NAGINI - Refracted Lights of a Blind God MCD1 x WINGLESS - Ascension CD1 x BAPHOMILITIA - Goatmilitia CD1 x VÖLVA - Desires Profane CD1 x BLACKDEATH - Mortui incedere possunt LP1 x TORVA - Transitus Ad Mortem CD1 x PERVERSITY - Spiritual Negation LP1 x HELL’S LUST - Hell’s Doctrinaire CD1 x CHAOS INCEPTION
The Abrogation T-Shirt L
1 x DEATH LIKE MASS - The Lord Of Flies LP1 x HEAVING EARTH - T-Shirt
1 x DORMANT ORDEAL - We Had It Coming DIGIPAK1 x CHAPEL OF DISEASE - Echoes Of Light LP1 x TUSENARSEKEN - Mardrömsmeditationer CD1 x DEATHLESS VOID - The Voluptuous Fire of Sin CD1 x METUZALEM - Infra CD1 x MEFITIS - The Skorian/The Greyleer LP1 x KOSTNATĚNÍ - Úpal CD1 x COSMIC PUTREFACTION - Emerald Fires... LP BLACK1 x ULCERATE - Of Fracture And Failure CD1 x SIJJIN - Sumerian Promises CD1 x GODSLUT - Procreation Of God CD1 x THE LIFTED VEIL - Genocidal Bliss of Heaven CD