KAAL NAGINI - Refracted Lights of a Blind God MCD


Released April 14, 2023.

Hailing from Kolkata, KAAL NAGINI are a vital new entity among India's ever-rising extreme metal underground, part of the Kolkata Inner Order in a percussive alliance with MVOQH, an esteemed figure from the Siamese Underground.
Cruel and martial and overwhelming, KAAL NAGINI's death metal aims for oblivion and promptly delivers the listener there - if they can even withstand the immediate barrage of nuclear-warped decibels the power-trio so effortlessly unload. Refracted Lights of a Blind God, the band's first public recording, comprises four massive tracks across 17 minutes of unchained & unrestrained ultraviolence.

1 x ADORIOR - Bleed on my Teeth DIGISLEEVE1 x DAENAM - La Trascendencia del Ser CD1 x MEFITIS - The Skorian/The Greyleer CD1 x DISROTTER - Restless Death MCD1 x PYRRHON - Exhaust DIGIPAK1 x CEREBRAL EXTINCTION - Necro Parasite Anomaly CD1 x BEYOND MORTAL DREAMS
Abomination T-Shirt L
1 x DORMANT ORDEAL - The Grand Scheme Of Things DIGIPAK1 x DEATH LIKE MASS - The Lord Of Flies DIGIPAK1 x DAETH DAEMON - Span Of Aeons 2CD DIGIPAK1 x TUSENARSEKEN - Omhuldra CD1 x DISLOYAL - Divine Miasmata DIGIPAK1 x MITOCHONDRION - Vitriseptome Double-CD1 x IMPALER OF PEST - Quantum Collapse CD1 x COSMIC PUTREFACTION - Emerald Fires Atop... DIGIPAK1 x MAYHEMIC - Toba CD1 x CARNOSUS - Wormtales CD1 x INVOCATION - The Archaic Sanctuary CD1 x BELARUS BEAVER - Symphony of Fallen Trees CD1 x KAAL NAGINI - Refracted Lights of a Blind God MCD1 x WINGLESS - Ascension CD1 x BAPHOMILITIA - Goatmilitia CD1 x VÖLVA - Desires Profane CD1 x BLACKDEATH - Mortui incedere possunt LP1 x TORVA - Transitus Ad Mortem CD1 x PERVERSITY - Spiritual Negation LP1 x HELL’S LUST - Hell’s Doctrinaire CD1 x CHAOS INCEPTION
The Abrogation T-Shirt L
1 x DEATH LIKE MASS - The Lord Of Flies LP1 x HEAVING EARTH - T-Shirt
1 x DORMANT ORDEAL - We Had It Coming DIGIPAK1 x CHAPEL OF DISEASE - Echoes Of Light LP1 x TUSENARSEKEN - Mardrömsmeditationer CD1 x DEATHLESS VOID - The Voluptuous Fire of Sin CD1 x METUZALEM - Infra CD1 x MEFITIS - The Skorian/The Greyleer LP1 x KOSTNATĚNÍ - Úpal CD1 x COSMIC PUTREFACTION - Emerald Fires... LP BLACK1 x ULCERATE - Of Fracture And Failure CD1 x SIJJIN - Sumerian Promises CD1 x GODSLUT - Procreation Of God CD