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CAMBION<br>Conflagrate the Celestial Refugium CD *SOLD OUT*
Conflagrate the Celestial Refugium CD *SOLD OUT*
If you want to spread fire, you have to burn and that is exactly what CAMBION does on its debut album when delivering extremely powerful, blistering Death Metal of superior intensity.
!T.O.O.H.!<br>Free Speech CD
Free Speech CD
The progressive, experimental death/grind duo !T.O.O.H.! is back with it's fifth album "Free Speech" and it's vital.
TOTALITARIAN<br>Kulturkampf / Los Von Rom EP DIGIPAK
Kulturkampf / Los Von Rom EP DIGIPAK
Totalitarian 2020. "The Kulturkampf / Los Von Rom" EP is a continuation of the fires set ablaze with the preceding EP "Bloodlands". And after every fire, there comes the desolation, darkness and funeral marches.
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